The Gemstone Chronicles are a collection of unique love stories and romances brought to you from the Void Outside Space and Time. These volumes are hand-selected by the Chroniclers, a team of beings working tirelessly to bring you interesting sensory experiences, works of art and music, as well as entertaining stories. With several dimensions and all of time at their disposal to find the most fascinating tales, the range of adventures is as unique as each individual Collector. A special being with extraordinary imagination, he is the focal point and provides new and interesting ideas that are put together in the Hall of Collections for all to admire and enjoy.
"Good stories are as rare as flawless, high carat gemstones." - The Collector
Zachary, abused for years by his adoptive parents, finally runs away. He knows he's safer on his own than in their so-called care. Homeless and desperate for money so he can put...Read More
"True love is more precious than the rarest of gemstones." --The Collector
Angus loves ancient languages and sharing his knowledge with high school kids, but his true passion is linguistic research. Love doesn't come easy for him, despite the amethyst rin...Read More
"Courage is like a cut gemstone: multi-faceted and surprising at every turn." -- The Collector
Nico escaped a fate of running his rich family's business empire to follow his real calling: discovering ancient artifacts. As a modern-day treasure hunter, he ...Read More
"Les belles histoires sont aussi rares que les belles pierres précieuses." – Le Collecteur Zachary, abusé pendant des années par ses parents adoptifs, va enfin réussir à s'enfuir. Il sait qu'il est plus en sécurité tout seul que soi-disant à leurs bons soins. Sans...Read More
“Le véritable amour est plus précieux que la plus rare des gemmes” – Le Collectionneur Angus aime les langues anciennes et partager ses connaissances avec ses élèves, mais sa véritable passion est la recherche linguistique. L’amour n’est pas quelque chose de facil...Read More
"Le courage est comme une pierre précieuse taillée : de multiples facettes, chacune plus surprenante que l'autre." – Le Collectionneur Nico échappe à son destin d’héritier de l’empire de sa riche famille pour suivre sa véritable vocation : découvrir d’anciens arte...Read More
"Victory, like gemstones, comes in many variations; its beauty is in the eye of the beholder." -- The Collector
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